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Master and Mastership


Title: Master and Mastership

Author(s): Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari

Publisher(s): Accra: Islamic seminary, 1361 = 1982.

Category: Prophethood amp; Imamate

Translator(s): M.Fazal Haque, M. A. Ansari

Appearance: 122 p

Congress Classification: BP223/8/م 6و804952 1361

Dewey Classification: 297 /45

National bibliography numbers: م 78-11855


سرشناسه : مطهري، مرتضي، 1358 - 1299

Muttahari, Mortaza

عنوان و نام پديدآور : Master and mastership/ Murtaza Mutahhery: translated by M. A. Ansari and M. Fazal Haque; edited by Raza H. Rizwani

وضعيت ويراست : ويرايش 2

مشخصات نشر : Accra: Islamic seminary, 1361 = 1982.

مشخصات ظاهري : 122ص .عكس

وضعيت فهرست نويسي : فهرستنويسي قبلي

يادداشت : انگليسي، عربي

يادداشت : اين كتاب ترجمه كتاب "ولاآها و ولايت ها" مي باشد كه در سالهاي مختلف توسط ناشرين مختلف منتشر گرديده است

يادداشت : كتابنامه به صورت زيرنويس

عنوان ديگر : ولاآها و ولايت ها (انگليسي)

عنوان ديگر : Master and mastership

موضوع : ولايت

موضوع : امامت

موضوع : شيعه اماميه -- عقايد

شناسه افزوده : انصاري Ansari, M. A.، مترجم

شناسه افزوده : فاضل حق Fazal Haque, M.، مترجم

رده بندي كنگره : BP223/8/م 6و804952 1361

رده بندي ديويي : 297 /45

شماره كتابشناسي ملي : م 78-11855

دسترسي و محل الكترونيكي : http://dl.nlai.ir/UI/69431419-9ead-4284-99b8-90462dd31721/Catalogue.aspx


Definition of the words stemming from the arabic root wala, types of wala, wala of Imamate, leadership and control.

Chapter 1: Root Word

The words, Wala’, Wilayat, Wilayat, Waly, Mawla, Awlaand the like have been derived from the same root, viz. Waly. The various forms of this root-word and its derivatives are the most oft-recurring words in the Holy Qur'an. It is said that they have been used 124 times in the form of a noun and 112 times in the form of a verb.

The original meaning of this root-word as mentioned by Raghib in his lexicon "Mufradatul Qur'an" is one thing taking place by the side of another in such a way that there is no distance between them i.e. if two things are placed side by side in such a manner that there is no other thing between them the root-word 'Waly' is used.

For example, if some persons are sitting side by side with one another and we wish to mention the manner and order in which they have taken their seats we say that Zayd is the head of the assembly and i.e. Amr is sitting by Zayd without there being any distance between them and similarly Bakr is sitting by Amr without there being any distance between them.

That is why this root-word is naturally used for nearness and proximity also, both physical and

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